
Data Vault 2.0: the good, the bad and the downright confusing

12 December 2020

Data Vault 2.0 modelling can support a more agile approach to data warehouse design and data ingestion. Inevitably, this flexibility does come with a heavy burden of complexity.

Splitting up shared databases

6 October 2019

The problem of shared databases is not confined to monolithic systems. A big store of shared state is the guilty secret lurking in many a microservice architecture.

PolyBase import and export between Azure SQL Data Warehouse and Blob Storage

13 August 2016

SQL Server Polybase makes it easy to load data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse by letting you define groups of files held in Azure blob storage as relational data tables.

Designing an event store for scalable event sourcing

29 July 2016

Event sourcing can scale very nicely, though this does depend on a number of key design decisions for the underlying event store.

The problem with GUIDs…

3 October 2014

GUIDs do solve an important problem. It’s just rarely the problem that developers are trying to address…

Optimising bulk inserts with Entity Framework

26 June 2014

There are some techniques for improving the performance of bulk inserts in the entity framework, but the most optimal approach will always be to use a different library altogether.